President Trump announced that bad timing amounted to reason enough to cancel Republicans’ national convention in Jacksonville, FL, scheduled for next month. Both protestors and spreading coronavirus were concerns for Mr. Trump’s supporters who had planned to attend. Mr. Trump made his announcement at a White House press briefing about the virus outbreak.
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Is Biden Wrong To Call Trump First Racist President?
NBC news picked up on media buzz surrounding President Trump’s racism while in the White House. Or so says former Vice President Joe Biden, who Trump faces for re-election next Nov. Mr. Biden claimed that President Trump is racist. NBC pointed out how Mr. Biden’s campaign put out a statement reading, “There have been a number of racist American presidents, but Trump stands out,” to clarify Mr. Biden’s earlier remark.
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Baseball or Coronavirus, Which Is More Important?
Fox 5 DC reported that Dr. Anthony Fauci, National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director, was announced yesterday as he will throw out Washington Nationals’ first pitch of their MLB season. The team made their announcement while Dr. Fauci is being questioned by Congress on his and the nation’s coronavirus response.
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Kanye West Says He Is Not Running For President
Rapper Kanye West backed out of the 2023 US Presidential election upcoming this Nov., two weeks after he indicated that he planned to run on a third-party platform. SC and FL, which required votes to be tallied Wed., were both states the music media mogul was able to get a minimum number of signatures to be on the ballot. He also hired political advisors, who helped originate the plan for a campaign.
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Epic平台《GTA5》免费送 UU加速器带你畅玩R星神作:2021-4-8 · Epic为玩家送福利了,《GTA5》免费领取,从5月15日开始至5月21日,所有玩家都能免费领取这款游戏,领取之后将永久保留。《GTA5》作为Steam平台常年霸占榜首的热门游戏,这次Epic免费赠送也是下了血本的,没有入手的玩家千万不要错过这次 ...
Portland, OR Mayor Ted Wheeler is taking criticism for protests broken out all over his city, following Black Lives Matter demonstrations building since this spring.
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腾讯网游加速器下载_腾讯网游加速器官网下载_腾讯网游 ...:2021-11-15 · 腾讯加速器手机版ios 能够永久免费使用的网络加速应用 语言: 简体中文 大小: 10.84MB 发布时间: 2021-11-14 腾讯加速器手机版ios是一款能够永久免费使用的网络加速应用,软件具有加速效果好,连接稳点低延迟的优点,在网络繁忙时刻也不会出现丢包的状况,简直就是玩游戏必备嘛!
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Democrats Will Hold Convention Online; GOP To Take COVID-19 Precautions
蜜蜂加速器,安卓苹果免费加速器(不限量,不限时,永久 ...:2021-4-25 · 蜜蜂加速器,安卓苹果免费加速器(不限量,不限时,永久免费)。蜜蜂加速器有安卓和苹果IOS两个版本,轻松访问google、youtube、脸书、推特、Facebook等各大知名网站,保障隐私安全。
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Is COVID-19 Mask Wearing Worth It?
The thing about protective face masks for coronavirus is they only work to prevent positive cases from spreading by those already with the virus. If everyone wears a mask, then of course all those with the virus would be covered up, making sure all contagion from person to person stops or decreases greatly.
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Lead Writer Ousted By CNN Report, Fox’s Carlson Reacts
Tucker Carlson, Fox News host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, reacted to his lead writer getting fired over racist and sexist comments. Blake Neff, former creator of all Mr. Carlson reads on his nightly program, is in a well deserved seat on the sidelines of cable news industry content creation competition, said Fox News in a statement.
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GOP Denied Convention Plan For Texas
A Texas Supreme Court decision ruled that Huston is free to choose whether to host a GOP Convention, and that the party was prevented from forcing the city to agree. The decision came out 7-1 with a majority in favor of Houston’s right to choose on hosting the convention. The GOP wanted a in-person event to take place in Huston this week, following a Democratic Convention online in June.
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